Introduction to the Bible As Four Stages of Soul-making
The Soul's Code: Introduction to James Hillman's Book and Ideas
What is Soul-making?
Introduction to Archetypes and Archetypal Psychology
The Spiritual Message of The Matrix (movie)
The Spiritual Message of The Truman Show (movie)
The Spiritual Message of The Beaver (movie)
The Relationship Between Sexuality and Spirituality
Who Is Jesus Christ?
The Archetype of the Apocalypse: The Book of Revelation
Exploration of Spirituality, Religion and Politics
Ernest Holmes and Neoplatonism: The Source of Science of Mind
Ernest Holmes and Carl Jung: The Yin and Yang of Spiritual Growth
The Four Stages of Psycho-spiritual Development
The Four Stages of Mystical Experience
Active Imagination: Dialogues with Archetypal Personifications
Caring Prayer versus Curing Prayer: Two Ways to Pray
Religion in America: History, Beliefs and Praxis
The Dead Sea Scrolls: The Community and the Philosophy
The Mystical Gospel of John
Introduction to Tutankhamun and Egyptian Mythology
Entering the Temple of the Refrigerator: Talking With the Food Gods
The Joy of Sects: An Introduction to the World’s Religions
Introduction to Native American Mythology
Introduction to Greek Mythology
Introduction to the Chinese Classic, The Tao Te Ching
Introduction to the Hindu Classic, The Bhagavad Gita
Introduction to the Islamic Qu’ran
How and Why the Bible Was Written
The Differences Between Islamic Sects: Sunnis and Shiites
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene: The Ascending Soul
Introduction to Ancient Gnosticism
Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code: America Wakes Up to Gnosticism
The Jesus Journal: The Gospel of Thomas
The Positive Power of Negative Events: The Gospel of Judas
Introduction to the Theologies of the World
A History of the New Thought Movement
Active Imagination: The Rediscovery of Old Ideas
Introduction to the Work of James Hillman’s Archetypal Psychology
Cinema and Spirituality: Modern Psycho-spiritual Texts
The Spirituality of the Beatles
The Spirituality of Pink Floyd’s, The Wall
The Spirituality of Dr. Seuss
The Science of Change: James Prochaska and the Stages of Change
Writing a Conscious Intention Statement
Discovering and Developing Your Life Purpose
Masculine Spirituality: Putting the Pattern Back in Patriarchy
Gender Revolution: From Role Mates to Soul Mates as Seen in the The Eros/Psyche Myth
And many more